Singapore Drama Review Mind Matters 心。情

Finished most of this drama before it was screened and finished the rest recently. It is the first time that all the episodes are on toggle before it is screened on TV so good chance to finish it without waiting haha. Remember having an argument with my sister as she was keen on watching this drama while I wanted to do my own things so she watched 1/2 episodes without me haha… Doing this by memory.

Mind matters (2018) 心。情

Genre: Mental illness, Romance, Family, Comedy

Enjoyment: 10/10  Pace: 9/10

starring Qi Yuwu as Zhuo Jinshu, Jesseca Liu as Qin Xiuxiu, Denise Camillia Tan as Zhang Siya, Shane Pow as Hu Ruiming, Teresa Tseng as Lu Haining, Florence Tan as Zhou Riqing, Chen Tianwen as Lu Liangsheng, Ivan Lo as Fang Zhixing

As this drama is related to psychology and Qi Yuwu is in it, I was attracted to it and decided to try it with my sister. First time seeing Qi Yuwu acting comedy scenes haha. This drama has a solid plot and the pace was good though it slows down a bit towards the end. The graphic in this drama, the plot and pace somehow make me feel that I am not watching a Singapore Drama but more of a Korean Drama. Maybe it is because the male lead has a traumatic or sad past that he wants to hide which is very common in Korean Dramas but not that common in Singapore Dramas?


Liked Qi Yuwu’s character, Jinshu, a lot in this drama. He is comical whenever he talks (with a soft voice my sister finds irritating) but maybe the words are meant to reach the subconscious? Haha. It is funny how the drama starts with him singing the toilet song. It is funny when he promotes his current occupation, the plumber, to others and gives them his flyers. While he hides his identity as a former psychiatrist, it seems like it is still second nature for him to discover people’s mental illnesses and help them since he always somehow ends up being the source of help and someone dependable for those with mental illnesses in the neighborhood haha. Liked how he is sociable and good at forming relationships with anyone, a quality that is hard for me to develop haha. Liked the soft toy that Jinshu hugs at night haha. Liked Qi Yuwu’s acting throughout the drama and liked how he portrayed the emotional struggle his character faces as he is disturbed by a traumatic event he cannot escape. As his character is confident, carefree and seems to have everything under control, there is a greater contrast seen compared to other characters when his helplessness is shown. It is sad that for mental illnesses, although you may be well-aware of how to treat others, it is hard to treat yourself and you have to be brave enough to confront your own fears, guilt or any strong negative emotion first.

It is funny when we are introduced to Xiuxiu. When a person who wants to rent a room in the house visits it, the person sneezing and all the germs and dirt the person brought was magnified. Xiuxiu’s reactions were funny. Although I know that a person with OCD is suffering inside when they are obsessed with doing something, I cant help but had fun watching Xiuxiu clean the house multiple times, especially at one scene where Jinshu plays chess with Liangsheng in the house to show him Xiuxiu’s true self and let Liangsheng consider if he can accept that part of her. Jinshu even has to raise his legs while playing chess and she seems to clean the house the whole day. Liked the development of relationship between Jinshu and Xiuxiu. It is fun to watch Jinshu and Xiuxiu bickering a lot at the start and I liked how Jinshu has his own way to deal with Xiuxiu’s rebellious son, Zhixing, as they live under one roof. As the drama goes, Jinshu and Xiuxiu start to accept each other and gradually become each other’s great support.

Liked Ivan Lo’s acting in some dramas but somehow he just doesnt get awards for his good acting. I guess it is due to the roles he acts in. Anyway, the awards usually dont end up where I wanted them to haha. For this drama though, I feel that he didnt totally become the character. The anger his character often portrays feels a little forced. However, I liked how his character adds some evilness to the plot. As his character suffers from anti-social personality disorder, he does not have much feelings towards other people and would not feel anything if he harms others.

Although Zhixing and his mother, Xiuxiu, cannot communicate well, I liked how they look out for each other and protect each other with or without the other party knowing about it. Enjoyed watching the growth of Zhixing as he learns to better communicate with others towards the end and finally being able to reciprocrate the love his mother gives directly. Liked the friendship between Ruiming and Zhixing. When Zhixing is unhappy, he can seek refuge at Ruiming’s house and play video games with him. Ruiming who doesnt go out of the house often can take care of him like an elder brother. They dont have to talk much to communicate with each other. Liked Zhixing’s way of talking in the drama and my sister and I laughed at his last scene of appearance when he makes a short and frank comment on Ruiming and Siya’s interaction.


Liked the development of relationship and chemistry between Ruiming and Siya. Enjoyed watching their interaction as their relationship grows. It was awkward at the start as Siya’s clothes drop to Ruiming’s apartment’s clothes hanging area (?) and Ruiming was seen dancing with it by Siya haha…After that, Ruiming becomes a great help to Siya as he is good with websites and coding. As they become closer, they also help each other overcome the psychological illness they each have. Felt that Ruiming’s gesture whenever he tries to say no is cute haha. Liked how Siya likes to tease him after they become friends. The confession scene was sweet and funny. Found the scene where Ruiming chases after the bus to stop Siya from leaving hilarious. The scene is quite common in dramas but I think it is the first time I see the male lead manages to get up the bus because the bus broke down. It seemed like he wont be able to get up the bus as he was having a hard time chasing it haha. Liked their acting in this drama! They managed to portray not only the characters well, but also the psychological illness each of them has. Liked how they each portrayed the character’s emotional struggle when they are affected by their psychological illnesses. Admired how they are resourceful and are able to make good use of their area of expertise or strengths to earn money. May become a fan of each of them after this drama haha. Liked this couple a little more than the Jinshu+Xiuxiu couple. Maybe because they have more chemistry than the Jinshu+Xiuxiu couple? Or is it because they are younger and more relatable to me haha?

Special mentions to Teresa Tseng (character suffering from Bulimia Nervosa), Florence Tan (character suffering from Bipolar disorder), Chen Tianwen (character suffering from Paraphilia) who acted well. It is funny that so many types of mental illnesses are gathered at the neighborhood haha. Although Haining, Jinshu’s former patient and now a psychiatrist, has good intentions in pushing Jinshu to seek help and move on from the past, I didnt really like her most of the time as she forces him to change and also wants him to like her back. Liked how they dedicated a drama to mental illnesses to spread awareness about them. Mental illnesses are actually quite common but people somehow treat them like a taboo and feel fearful about people with such illnesses. I guess this is the only sg drama I enjoyed this year. Dont know if I missed out any other good ones?

Feel that this drama is lucky as I usually dont put so many pictures haha.

Click here for more Singapore Drama reviews and the summary of this drama.

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